The Best and Worst Drinks for Diabetics

The Best and Worst Drinks for Diabetics

Liquid calories and nutrition can be good or bad for blood sugar and diabetes. Here’s how you can get the healthiest bang from your beverages. Drinks for Diabetics When you have diabetes, choosing the right drink isn’t always simple. And recent studies may only add to the confusion. Is coffee helpful or harmful to insulin resistance? Does zero-calorie diet soda cause weight gain? We reviewed the research and then asked three top registered dietitians, who are also certified diabetes educators, what they tell their clients about seven everyday drinks. Here’s…

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Can People With Type 2 Diabetes Eat Oranges?

Can People With Type 2 Diabetes Eat Oranges?

Oranges are a healthy citrus fruit, but if you have type 2 diabetes, you may worry about their high sugar content if your blood sugar levels are out of control. Fortunately, oranges contain components that make them a nutritious part of a diabetic diet as long as you eat them in concert with other healthy foods. People with type 2 diabetes cannot properly modulate blood sugar levels because they either don’t produce enough insulin or their bodies can’t effectively use the insulin they do produce. Type 2 diabetes is the…

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Top 10 Diabetes Superfoods

Top 10 Diabetes Superfoods

Not all healthy foods are created equal. Greens may be good for you, but the nutrients in iceberg lettuce may not be as plentiful as those in kale, spinach, and Swiss chard. Besides nutrient content, the glycemic index (GI) of a food may also help you make healthy choices. The GI measures how quickly a food will raise blood sugar. Low GI foods have a score of 55 or less, while high GI foods have a score of 70 or more. In general, lower GI foods are a better choice…

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12 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

12 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Want to rev up your body’s natural calorie-burning engine? Boost your metabolism. For people trying to lose weight, a higher metabolism can help the pounds melt away even while at rest. Here’s how to increase your metabolic rate. What Is Metabolism? Metabolism is the energy (calories) your body needs to function, and it operates at a different rate for each person. Metabolic rate is determined by uncontrollable factors such as gender (men tend to have higher rates than women), heredity, and age (metabolism tends to slow down after age 40…

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15 Ways to Get Your Diabetes On Track

15 Ways to Get Your Diabetes On Track

It’s never too late to start taking care of your diabetes. Every day is a new opportunity to reach your goals, even in small steps. Try these practical tips to lose weight, boost energy, and feel better about your diabetes management. Live Healthier You don’t have to take drastic measures to get your health on track. We’ve got 15 different ways you can tweak your typical day to lose weight, feel better, make healthy choices, and reach your goals. Walk It Off Thirty minutes of walking burns about 150 calories…

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